Month of Prayer and Giving Day 16 – Fellow Workers for the Truth

Month of Prayer and Giving Day 16 – Fellow Workers for the Truth

Month of Prayer and Giving Day 16

John wrote three letters of the New Testament. Together they form something of a manual for missionary support. Some 17 times in these three brief letters he makes reference to truth. In the first letter the focus is on what the truth is. The second letter warns against supporting those who propagate error. The third letter encourages the support of those who proclaim the truth. It says in so doing we become fellow workers for the truth.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have encouraged you to pray about a number of truth-based initiatives to evangelise the lost and plant local churches in our country and beyond. It’s right at this point to also encourage you to give. Grace Baptist Partnership is supported by local churches and likeminded Christian individuals who share our concern for training leaders to evangelise the lost and where possible to plant and revitalise churches in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe.

Operating with a skeleton crew on a shoestring budget we have seen the Lord use these our endeavours for His glory. But there is much more to be done. We have workers who need to be supported. We have churches that need to be assisted with grants for evangelists or church planters. We have churches that need to be assisted with the purchase of materials for evangelistic initiatives. We have churches that need help in refurbishing or purchasing a building.

May I ask you to consider doing two things? Would you consider making a one-off donation to Grace Baptist Partnership? You can do so by means of this link.

Additionally, would you consider ongoing support of the Partnership on a monthly basis? An email to is the best way to get started. We can send you our bank details as well as a gift aid form if needed. If you are outside the United Kingdom, we can give you details about how to contribute as well.

I trust that many of you will find the work of Grace Baptist Partnership worthy of your support.

May we all know the joy of being fellow workers for the truth.

Barry King

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