Tag: Shotley

Day 5 – 29 Days of Prayer and Giving – Chelmondiston, Suffolk

What do you do when six of your eight church members leave? I suppose it depends on why they left. If they left because you were guilty of doctrinal or moral infidelity, you should repent and step down from church office. If they left because of unresolved personal differences, you should seek reconciliation without delay. But what if you sought such reconciliation and your efforts were effectively rebuffed? What do you then? For David Kelland and his wife these are not hypothetical questions but the exact situation they faced in Chelmondiston little more than three years ago.

Outreach day in Shotley

On Saturday 5th May 2013, ten Christians from Chelmondiston and Ipswich met at the home of Pastor Dave Kelland for prayer and designation of areas to visit with invitations to a series of talks on ‘The Bible – It is Relevant Today!’ at the Shotley Village Hall starting on Wednesday 15th May.