Grace Extends in Walthamstow

Grace Extends in Walthamstow

Sometimes churches do the same things as other churches but achieve different results. Here is an account of grace extending in Walthamstow.

British churches do toddler groups. For some their weekly toddler group is the largest number of people that will be in the building the entire week.

Some view it as a bridgebuilding exercise to the local community. Young mums and carers bring their little ones along for an hour of two of conversation and play in the church hall. The church views it as a way of showing love and concern aimed at building relationships which might lead to gospel conversation at some stage.

Some are a little more intentional in terms of using it as an evangelistic opportunity. They sing Christian songs, tell a Bible story, and offer opportunities for Bible studies with mums and carers. And, of course, they invite them to special events being held at the church.

Then there is Grace Church Walthamstow.

Their flyer makes clear that ‘Christ is at the centre’ of their group. They are clearly, intentionally, openly evangelistic in their approach. And, people come. Even in a place that answers to the name the Islamic Republic of Walthamstow.

The group has only been running a little over a year and has already seen fruit. Here is a line from one of the pastor’s recent reports:

“One of our regular attendees both on the Lord’s Day and midweek is a single lady with a toddler. She came from our mothers and toddlers group. What a blessing to have this lady join us regularly.”

Please continue to pray for the work in Walthamstow. May it continue to progress with Christ at the centre.

“For it is all for your sake, so that as grace extends to more and more people it may increase thanksgiving, to the glory of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:15